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Build Powerful Habits With Mental Fitness

Most attempts at positive change fail because you stop at insight. Insight alone is never enough. Transformation comes only when you intentionally build and sustain new mental habits.  

Image by Thao LEE
Here's How It Works

Daily Practice

15 minutes a day (divided in five 3-minute sessions) of app-guided practice enables you to establish mental muscles by laying down and strengthening new neural pathways. These exercises are

bite-sized to fit your busy schedule, and you can

customize them based on how you self-sabotage.

Weekly Focus

A weekly video delivers deep experiential exploration of the up-coming week’s focus. You’ll feel inspired and energized to practice during the week so you can sustain the benefits experienced during the video sessions.

Measurable Progress

You’ll feel motivated through instant feedback on exactly how much progress you’re making towards building the three core muscles of Mental Fitness. (Brain rewiring may be visible in MRI imaging

within eight weeks.)

Community Support

You won't have to do this alone.  You  can be part of an accountability group with other program participants on the same journey.

Research has shown this to be a critical success factor for establishing long-lasting new

positive mental habits.

Repair & Re-Form
From Self-Doubt To Self-Trust

You get to build a foundation of Mental Fitness by strengthening the 3 critical mental muscles that shift the balance of power from your inner Saboteurs (those Gnawing Negative Automatic Thoughts that hold you back) to your inner Sage (your Positive Automatic Thoughts).

Week 1

Self-Command Muscle

Through a breakthrough process called PQ® Reps, you get to boost your Self-Command muscle.  PQ® Rep can rage between 10 seconds and 12 minutes, and can be done with eyes open or closed.  With each PQ® Rep, you develop greater mastery over your own mind, quiet the negative self-talk, and activate the positive region of your brain.

Week 2-3

Saboteur Interceptor Muscle

You get to intercept your top Saboteurs the moment they try to hijack your thoughts, feelings, and actions. In preparation for this practice, you get to expose the lies, limiting beliefs and damage caused by your Saboteurs, so they can no longer fool you into thinking they are helpful to you.

Week 4-6

Sage Muscle

You get to practice the Sage Perspective how every problem or challenge can be converted into a gift and opportunity. You get to generate the gift through the 5 Sage Powers of Empathize, Explore, Innovate, Navigate, and Activate.


Week 7-12

Active Life Transformation - The Do-With-You Phase

Customized coaching to help you fully inhabit your transformed self by expanding your ability to naturally apply your skills to your daily life --- in your personal, social, and professional interactions.   I will challenge you by asking purposeful questions about what you say and do, not what your could have said or done, to keep your words and deeds (actions) aligned.


Week 13-52

After the 12 weeks, you get to keep free access to the app for the rest of the year so you can continue your practice AND watch your Mental Fitness grow.

Make the rewarding commitment to

boost your Mental Fitness.



Lifelong Applications

Positive Intelligence is an operating system with many applications. In the first six weeks you develop your 3 core mental muscles. In subsequent weeks, continued access to the app enables you to use those muscles in daily work/life applications as you continue to grow.

Personal Gains


Discover the 3:1 positive-to-negative ratio essential in healthy relationships. Learn the powerful technique of Relationship Design to build, grow and maintain healthy, meaningful and fulfilling relationships.

Career Planning

Access your Sage wisdom that will guide your career to maximize both achievement and fulfillment. Learn to guard yourself against Saboteur-led traps that lead to achievement without fulfillment.


Discover how your stress is entirely generated by your specific Saboteurs (inner critics). Learn personalized strategies to minimize your stress by rapidly shifting from a Saboteur hijack to a clear-headed Sage response, in real time.


Intercept common Saboteur-led parenting traps. Learn parenting strategies designed to boost your child’s foundational Mental Fitness, Self-Command, and Sage strength.


Understand the neuroscience of your mind/body connection. Improve your fulfillment, sleep, diet, and exercise using Sage-oriented strategies that protect from Saboteur interference.

Professional Gains


Challenge/debunk outmoded Saboteur-led assumptions about how to lead. Learn a leadership model that simultaneously brings out the best Sage qualities in yourself, those you lead, and others who are just watching.

Emotional Intelligence

Develop 17 of 18 EQ (Emotional Quotient) competencies by simply weakening your Saboteurs and strengthening your Self-Command (mental fitness) with the 5 Sage Powers your were born with.


Discover how your specific Saboteurs sabotage creativity in you and others within your sphere. Learn how to activate and access the deep wisdom of your Sage brain during solo and group activities.


Every Saboteur sabotages performance. Develop a Personalized Performance Plan using your Self-Command and Sage Powers to achieve optimal productivity, repeatedly.

Conflict Management

Discover how your specific Saboteurs fuel your conflicts. Learn to selectively apply your innate 5 Sage Powers to rapidly shift from conflict to win/win solutions in real time, especially when caught in the midst of the most challenging or unexpected circumstances.

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