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Equipping emerging female high achievers like you
to promptly neutralize your 
Gnawing Negative Automatic Thoughts (GNATs)

wherever you are; however they show up in your life

by cultivating stronger

self-trust, inner clarity and calm

grounded in

Positive  Automatic Thoughts (PATs)

While this page shares a little about my journey,
it’s really about what's in it for YOU.

I am Patricia Mills, your certified Positive Intelligence Life Coach & Mental Fitness Trainer.  I coach the "person" within you; NOT your "title" or "position" or "status."  Think of me as your Dream Rekindler.  I hold more than 20 years’ experience equipping professional women like you to strengthen self-command, and elevate your personal and professional presence so you can both live and lead with a worry-free mind. 

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Are you ambitious, busy, dedicated, high-achieving, caring, career-focused, motivated, successful?  At the same time, do your private Negative Automatic Thoughts (NATs) make you feel emotionally burnt out, self-doubting, indecisive, overwhelmed, lonely, or bring struggles with home vs work conflicts?


Are you ready to totally transform how you experience your daily life by closing the gap between how you are living now and how you truly want to live?


Are you willing to face the truth?  


Are you willing be guided to gently and definitively acknowledge and release limiting beliefs, unfurl inner clarity, shift your identity, expand your sense of self, and evolve into your ideal YOU?

YES?  Then, let's connect today.  I know how to help you live the future you picture for yourself.

I'm originally from Jamaica, and have lived and worked there, in London, Washington, DC, New York City, and Miami, helping ambitious women around the world just like you to identify and dissolve patterns and issues that hold you back; replenish your belief in yourself; rekindle your dreams; reawaken overlooked or forgotten truths by equipping you with practical tools that invigorate your willingness to make and sustain desired shifts; clearly define your goals and achieve them with the "pull" rather than "push" mentality.


I am recognized for helping people remember who they really are, and "know" themselves.  As far back as I can remember, I’ve been the person others come to for encouragement and advice on how to tap into their own human potential.  

I am known for unwavering confidentiality while working to support, motivate, mentor, educate and encourage others.  During my employment at cultural institutions, international organizations, embassies, and mid-sized-boutique to large law firms in different countries (including Jamaica, England and the USA), I worked successfully and in harmony with people of diverse nationalities, cultures and beliefs, and gained a unique and indelible skillset in helping others rebuild trust in themselves and embrace their individuality.  I have a reputation for integrity, trustworthiness, confidentiality, and a verified  track record in producing the desired results for myself, my clients and associates.



Several years ago my world experienced a series of unexpected and unwanted life transitions.  They felt like seismic events.  They left me feeling weakened, devalued, lonely, and unsure of myself to the point that I questioned whether all the effort I had put in over the years had been worth it.  Not only did I feel depleted, I felt that I had almost nothing left to give.  I had problems making decisions in my customary easy, calm, clear-minded manner.  I had become prone to indecision, self-doubt and procrastination.  I had misplaced clarity.


These new behavior patterns were out of character, and I chastised myself daily for this unwanted indecisiveness and lack of follow-through. To give you a visual, I felt like I was adrift . . . alone . . . in a canoe . . . in the frigid, choppy waters of the Bering Sea . . . with only a small paddle . . . surrounded by a vague grey outline of what might be land in the distance.  I was living a life full of worry, experiencing intermittent situational distress, and nobody noticed; nobody knew but me.  


Simply put, I felt varying degrees of stuck, derailed, overwhelmed, burnt-out, overlooked, emotionally abandoned, and invisible.  While, I was able to shift myself whenever those thoughts and feelings showed up, when I shared them with those close to me, they were either flippant, dismissive, or simply  didn’t believe me, not only because it sounded so far out of character, but because they hadn’t noticed any change in my demeanor or behavior.  But I knew.  I knew because when I was alone with my thoughts, I was plagued by stress and worry.  I knew because I know how to recognize when there’s a problem.  I knew because I've always chosen to face the truth in whatever form it presents itself. 


Having tapped into the knowledge and experience I had acquired coaching over the years, I felt a strong urge to learn more so I could enhance not only my ability to help myself better, but others too -- especially those privately struggling behind the scenes with the same kinds of challenges.  I knew that I had to "DO" to accomplish this because insight is just never enough; it's only the beginning.  I also knew I had to go beyond the obvious and cause a dynamic shift at my core.


I knew that something modern, practical, and based on proven 21st century science needed to be added to the mix.  So I looked for a  specific kind of program -- one that would provide the exact tools to facilitate rapid, achievable, long-lasting personal fulfillment, without the fluff.  One that incorporates neuroscience, positive psychology, cognitive behavior, and performances science.  A program that uses factor analysis to uncover the core factors that impact both wellbeing and performance.


I also knew that when you become deliberately intentional about bringing an experience into your life, it’s only a matter of time before it presents itself in the form of a gift. You just have to be ready to recognize it, trust it, grasp it, and go with it, despite any internal or external, nay-saying.


One afternoon, within a few days of me setting that intention, I just happened to be catching up with a friend living in Amsterdam.  Out of the blue he mentioned that he was going to do a coaching course called Positive Intelligence (PQ) and invited to do it with him.  He shared the little (and I mean tiny titbit) he knew about the program, and it was enough for me to recognize that it was exactly the gift I was hoping for.  I said "Yes" and we did it together.


Ta daa! Hallelujah!! Breakthrough!! Within the first week I had identified my specific Saboteurs (aka inner-critics), had a much better understanding of how they had been hijacking my thoughts and causing me to live stressed and worried.  That’s the insight.  AND, I also obtained the exact tools and techniques I needed to immediately start reducing their influence.  That’s the training.  By the end of the 6-week program, I had the right know-how to debunk my Saboteurs and stop them the minute they show up.  


Now, instead of being hijacked by my inner Judge and its accomplice Saboteurs, I respond to life’s challenges with the worry-free mind of my inner Sage (uplifting thoughts and emotions). That's the solution.


In short, Positive Intelligence (PQ) helped me to identify my self-defeating patterns and gave me the tools to permanently weaken them while simultaneously strengthening my Inner Cheerleader powers.  PQ delivered practical tools that started training my mind immediately, enabling transformation to begin at once, which created sustainable new habits.  My gains can be your gains too. 


But I didn’t stop there. Knowing that everyone (including you) experience self-defeating self-talk, my PQ  experience bolstered the fact that we all need the right kind of customized help, especially when our world feels like it's falling apart around us (like mine was) --  sometimes due to transitions; sometimes when we need to either make peace with, or accept, a change; or when we simply need or want to close one door and open another.  I can prepare you for those stressful moments by teaching you habitually respond to life’s challenges in a calm, clear-headed manner using easy-to-do and easy-to-remember techniques that  silence your inner critic and strengthen your mental fitness muscles,


I knew I had to bring this ability to you so you can benefit like I did, not only in the rapid breakthrough, but also the continuous growth this program triggers within you daily that makes you maintain the practice willingly.  I also knew that like me, you too want to benefit exponentially by building your mental fitness so you can see yourself with clarity and make intentional choices that close the gap between who you are now and who you really want to be personally, or between where you are now and where you're going professionally.


This understanding propelled me to gain an additional coaching certification as a Positive Intelligence Mental Fitness Coach so I could share tools that you will actually want to use to go beyond insight to find answers, direction, and live with a worry-free mind.  Yaaaay!


As your Mental Fitness Life Coach, together, our main goal is to cultivate stronger self trust. I work with you either in a group setting or on a 1:1 basis to  build and strengthen your 3 core mental fitness muscles, unfold your desired version of yourself, and hone your skills to live with a worry-free mind.  I will teach you proven easy-to-understand-and-do techniques to access your positive energies (thoughts/feelings/emotions) on a daily basis, neutralize your Gnawing Negative Automatic Thoughts (GNATs), and intensify your ability to always handle daily personal and professional challenges mindfully . . . every time they appear, by strengthening your Positive  Automatic Thoughts (PATs).  Also, to help you to keep your words and deeds (actions) aligned, I will also challenge you by asking purposeful questions about what you say and do. The program is app-based so busy people like you can set your own schedule and have convenient access it when you need it, wherever you are. Check out Repair & Re-Form, my 12-week Mental Fitness program designed to neutralize your self-doubts and replace them with Inner clarity & strong self-trust here.


As your  Positive Intelligence/Mental FitnessTrainer, I also design and deliver "Today, I Choose..." workshops and masterclasses focused on helping you overcome specific obstacles that are holding you back, and shifting yourself to your ideal YOU.  Among the most popular are ...Uncover What's Holding Me Back; ...Live / Work With Negative People Without Any Stress; ...Identify & Silence My Vile Inner Criticand ...Refine the ABCs of My Personal Brand & Voice.  I am dependable in creating highly effective programs that address your specific needs, and I present them efficiently and without the fluff.  I create a safe and harmonious space that facilitates in-depth learning, while gently using the group’s collective energy to ensure positive gains for everyone.

I am highly skilled, and work with focus and commitment.  I know how to inspire and guide each individual to reconnect with their true essence and experience their potentials.  I rekindle dreams.



I coach you as the "person" not your "title" or "position" because you bring yourself with you into all your interactions.


For that reason, my clients are grateful for the consistent improvements my coaching brings into their lives (both personally and professionally), especially as they close the gap between where they started out and where they truly want to be.  You can read some of their Success Stories  here.  I am thankful for them.


Are you facing challenges that you are ready and willing to start addressing now?  If you are, and my personality, experience, expertise and skillset resonate with you, you don’t have to face them alone; we can do it together.  Let's meet on a Strategy Call during which we will establish compatibility and synchronize our communication styles.  I also take the time to understand your circumstances regarding the strengths and weaknesses of your past and present in order to help you harness growth and success. You can preview what we could explore in your Strategy Call by clicking the button.



Certified Positive Intelligent Coach (Mental Fitness), CPQC

Dr Shirzad Chamine - Positive Intelligence


Certified Life Coach 

University of NLP

Dr Steve G. Jones


Empirical Wisdom

Derived from and Verified by Experience  + Achieved Desired Outcomes 

Psych-K Facilitator 

Training through Certified Psych-K Instructor


Certificate - Positive Psychology


Patricia Mills

Trust your intuition and success will follow!

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